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How do I archive control activity?


Note! You would need the role administrator to archive control activity. To archive the selected control activity, you will need specific access rights. Read more about access rights here

How do I archive control activity?

  1. In the Dashboard area, click on on the top right. 
  2. Adjust the time filter on the top right.
  3. Use the search bar on top to filter out the respective control program(s), control title(s) or responsible name(s) etc. You can use a combination of search terms.
  4. Check the box  for the activity(s)  and click on undefined-Mar-21-2023-09-21-03-1921-PM to  archive the selected control activity(s). You can mass-select all control activities by ticking the box left to "program".
  5. Select the green OK button to archive the chosen control activity(s).

How do I view archived control activities? 

  1. Click on undefined-Mar-21-2023-09-25-49-3155-PM on the control activity page.

    Figure 1:  Adjust view

  2. Click on "Archive", as illustrated below. 


    Figure 2: Show archived control activities
  3. You will now get an overview of all archived control activity.

Learn more

You want to better monitor it and more safety? Go to How do I set deputy control responsibles?
Do you want to reopen a control? Go to How can I re-open a completed control?
Do you want to export data? Go to How do I export data from Impero?