Do you need to export data from Impero as a backup or to process in Excel or third-party systems? Find the instructions for data export in each module.
In Impero, you can generate exports for almost all modules. Here you will find an overview of the possibilities, which cases they are suitable for and step-by-step instructions.
Note: You need the role administrator to access the entirety of data. To export data for selected control programs or risk maps, you will need specific access rights. Read more here.
1. Control data
There are different types of exports that you can create from your controls.
For example, you can get an overview of which controls you have in your Impero environment. This includes information on the name, description, selected planning options or the tasks.
However, if you would rather know who received the controls at what time and how they were answered, an export of the activities is suitable.
In the following subsections 1.1 to 1.4, you can find out what types of exports there are and how to create them.
1.1 How can I export a tailored control overview?
Here you can see how you can download only the relevant data so you can generate tailored documents for your stakeholders and auditors - by selecting specific columns and applying filters in the search bar. This serves as a conceptual overview that presents your control framework with title, description and only the most important information.
If you need a more operative and technical documentation showing single responsibles and reviewers and details on scheduling and tasks, go to section 1.2 for the export from dashboard.
1. Go to Control Management.
2. Select either "All" or a partial overview by frequency (for example "Monthly").
3. Use "Adjust View" and the filter function to display the information you want to export.
4. Select at least one row and click on "Export" on the top.
5. Select whether you would you like to include assignment information such as responsibles and reviewers. Then click on “OK”.
1.2 How can I export control master data?
To export the entire set of your control master data, in other words, the complete control design with title, description, schedule, assignees and tasks:
1. Go to the Dashboard.
2. Click on "Export" on the top right, as illustrated below
3. Choose as preferred if you want to export with single tasks in each control and the associated risks.
1.3 How can I export control activities?
To export the entire set of your control activities meaning controls that had been sent out to responsibles:
1. Go to the Dashboard.
2. Click on "View activities", as illustrated below
3. Select the timeframe for due date that covers ideally the day when the environment was created until the furthest day in future when a control will be due - to have the entirety of data.
4. Tick mark all activities on the left.
5. Click on "Export", as illustrated below:
6. Select as preferred with or without control answers that have been submitted by the responsibles:
Note: It is also possible to go to Control Management to enter each control program to download the control master data or activities for that respective program separately.
1.4 How can I export control evidences (attachments)?
To export control evidences in form of attachments that have been submitted by responsibles:
1. Go to Dashboard.
2. Click on "View activities", as illustrated below.
3. Open the activities for which documents have been uploaded by clicking on the control title.4. Click on "Export" on the top right, as shown below:
5. Select "Control and attached files". The attachments will be downloaded in the original format, e.g. Excel, PDF, JPEG etc. This step needs to be repeated for each control assignment.
2. How can I export Risk data?
To export all registered risks and their assessment:
1. Go to Risk Management.
2. Open each risk map by clicking on its name, such as here from 01 to 04:
3. Click on "Export" on the top right.
3. How can I export User data?
1. Go to User Management.
2. Tick mark all relevant users and click on "Export", as illustrated below:
You will receive the user stats shown in Impero, however, not the sub-level information, such as in which groups the users are or in which programs one has an access right.
4. How can I export the Eventlog?
To export activities on login, user (de-)activation, changes on roles or control master data:
1. Go to the Dashboard.
2. Click on Eventlog on the top right, as illustrated below.
3. Select a timeframe that covers the day when the environment was created until today.
4. Click on to export the shown data.
5. How can I export Report data?
1. Go to Reports.
2. Open the wanted report under "My reports".
3. Click on to export the data of table shown.
Note! To export the bar chart, you would need to make a screenshot.
6. How can I export tags?
1. Go to Tags.
2. Include all tags or filter out relevant tag categories if you only want to export some of them.
3. Click on "Export" in the top, right corner.