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How can I add specific tasks to a control?

Improve the quality of control results by guiding responsibles through a predefined set of questions and tasks.

Important notice for the creation of new controls with reviews after the release of April 28, 2024

With the release, you have now more options to to create specific tasks for reviewers. Previously, reviewers only had the option of adding a comment and attaching a file as a part of the approval process per default. After the release, there is still a comment field per default when reviewers approve or reject the control. However, the option for the reviewer to attach a file must now be added proactively - like the many other possible task types - by the creator of the control. Without this step, the reviewers won't be able to submit documents. 

For controls that were created before the release, you do not need to add the option for reviewers to attach a file, this has been done by us.

In case of questions, please kindly contact support@impero.com.


The control designer is the heart ❤️ of the control. The designer is easy to use and offers you a flexible way to customize the control with different "task types" - just like a questionnaire. 

The different types of tasks are:

  • Text: The responsible should enter a text here
  • Comment field: The responsible should enter a comment here
  • Number: The responsible should enter a number here
  • Checklist: the responsible should fill in a defined checklist
  • Radio buttons: The responsible should answer a question with only one answer (e.g.: yes/no or confirmed/not confirmed)
  • Dropdown: Ask the responsible to make a specific selection from a list of options. This field is suitable if the recipient is to select an option from many possibilities.
  • Attach file: The responsible has the option to add a file. Please note that the file must not exceed 200 MB.
  • Table: Here you can define a table with title, columns and rows. Data can simply be copied in from Excel
  • Heading: This gives you the option of adding headings to a control or different parts of a control so that the user has a clear overview.

Note: If you have created a datasheet in the control program, you also have the option of adding the datasheet as a task.

For each task type, you have the option of adding files. These files are displayed to the assignees when they carry out the control.

Tip: You can preview your control by clicking on "Preview" to see if your control is working as intended. In the "Preview" area, you can select whether you want to view the control as "Responsible person", "Reviewer" or "Second reviewer". Simply click on the role you want to see the control as.

If you want to remove a task from a control, open the task and click on "Delete" at the bottom of the task editor:

How can I add tasks to a control?

  1. Go to "Control management" in the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on "Create new control" in the top right-hand corner. For an existing control, open the corresponding program and the control you want to edit.
  3. In the "Tasks" area, go to "Design your control using one or more task(s)".
  4. Click on the task you want to add to the control and it will be added or use drag-and-drop. You can then fill in information in the task.

You can create your control with different tasks for the responsible person, the reviewer and the second reviewer. Simply switch between the roles in the menu and add the desired tasks for each of the roles.

Regardless of which tasks you insert for the reviewer and the second reviewer, a field is automatically set up for them to confirm or reject the control. Below you can see how the field looks like for reviewer and for the second reviewer respectively:

Further information: