Limitation of access rights between departments in the same environment

You and your colleagues from other departments are working in the same Impero environment but should not see each others' data? Here is how you limit the access rights.

1. In the control module, grant rights to control programs (e.g. Morten for Finance, Isabella for Tax programs).

2. In the risk module, grant rights to risk directories or entities (e.g. Morten for Finance, Isabella for Tax programs).

Risk directory right: User can see the full directory consisting of different entities (as below):

Entity right: User can see data of one entity in a risk directory. Other entities’ data are hidden:

  • Entity rights are needed for the risk owners in the specific entities.
  • For general admins who should monitor all entities, directories rights are sufficient.

3. In Report module, if there are saved reports under "My reports", grant rights to reports (e.g. Morten for Finance, Isabella for Tax programs).

4. Switch roles in User Management: Replace Administrator role with a combination of all other roles or a selection of needed roles. For this, go to User Management and open the affected user's profile.


Important: Step 4 must happen as last to be able to assign rights before.


Learn more:

Manage Users, Roles and User Groups

How do I manage program access rights?

How do I manage access rights to my risk directory?

How do I manage access rights to my entities?